Posted by: Bill | September 19, 2007

“Do not fear he who can kill the body…” (Mt 10:28)


Exequiel Salguero (front) with friends at the Central American Conference in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, originally uploaded by williamrobertellis.

Guatemala has been called “a murderer’s paradise”… a nation in where only 2% of all murders are investigated and very few of those ever see a conviction.

As disciples, Jesus calls us to overcome the fear of the violence that surrounds us and to let our light shine in this world of darkness. That is exactly the type of disciple that our brother Exequiel Salguero was; a devoted husband and father to four children and a light to family and friends, he was active in HOPE, our Children’s Ministry and in evangelism.

This past Monday while returning home from his machinist’s shop, his late model pick-up truck was approached by two men on a motorcycle who immediately began to shoot at him with automatic weapons. Exequiel received twelve bullets to different parts of his body and died at the scene.

Exequiel’s wife Mirza was driving just a few cars behind with their two young daughters.

This tragedy has come as a terrible shock to our church, especially to the North region where Exequiel and Mirza are members. Please pray for the church here, especially for the Salguero family.

Pray that we may not give in to a spirit of fear, but will preach the Word bravely so that this Jesus’ light might shine in this dark world.

If you would like to leave condolences for the Salguero family, please leave a comment here and I will translate them for the family… thank you.


  1. To the family of Exequiel Salguero, may God comfort you in this time of loss and sadness. We are grateful to have had a man such as he as our brother in Christ.

  2. Confiamos, no en nosotros mismos, pero en el gran amor y misericordia de Dios, en Él encontramos nuestro consuelo, Él cuidará de la familia de Exequiel y no les abandonará jamás. Nuestro amoroso Dios recibirá a su hijo Exequiel en el Cielo. Carlos Vargas Madrid CoC

  3. To my sister in Christ, Mirza and the children of our brother Exequiel: our small group here in Long Beach, CA will pray for you and your family
    in this very difficult time, yet his death is precious to our Lord (Ps 116:15), just as I’m sure his life was precious to many people.
    “So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” (Rom 14:8)
    Please let us know thru email what we can do to help. Your sister in Christ, Marge

  4. To Exequiel’s family: We mourn this loss with you. May God’s comfort overflow your hearts to each other and others in the family.
    “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.” Revelation 14:13

    We will publish this article on and ask for prayers.

    Love in Christ,
    Roger and Marcia Lamb

  5. Estimada Mirza y su familia –

    Yo soy triste sobre la informacion de su esposo. Yo orare por ud. y su familia.

    besos y abrazos
    su hermana
    heather p.
    Turning Point

  6. A la familia Salguero:
    La Region Hispana de la Iglesia de Cristo de Boston les extienden un profundo pesame ante el fallecimiento de Exequiel. Es perdida fisica para su familia y ganancia espiritual para el cielo.
    Lo sentimos mucho y deseamos que sus corazones se llenen del consuelo de Dios y su iglesia. Dios protegera su alma ahora por toda una eternidad.

    Con amor,
    Hector Morales y la Region Hispana de Boston, MA.

  7. To the Exequiel Family….One match can illuminate
    a darkened stadium….

    The light will always prevail over darkness…our prayers are with you and your family

  8. Querida Familia Salguero:

    “(13)Dios mío, tú fuiste quien me formó en el vientre de mi madre. Tú fuiste quien formó cada parte de mi cuerpo. (14) Soy una creación maravillosa, y por eso te doy gracias. Todo lo que haces es maravilloso, ¡de eso estoy bien seguro!
    (15-16) Tú viste cuando mi cuerpo fue cobrando forma en las profundidades de la tierra; ¡aún no había vivido un solo día, cuando tú ya habías decidido cuánto tiempo viviría!
    ¡Lo habías anotado en tu libro!
    (Salmos 139:13-16)

    Que el amoroso, eterno y siempre cuidador Espíritu de nuestro Dios que formó el cuerpo de Exequiel antes de que respirara su primer aliento, mismo que ha visto ésta infamia cometida hacia él, en su último día escrito en el Libro del Eterno Creador, guarde el alma de éste fiel discípulo de Jesús en Su paz, Su consuelo y Su paraíso sin que no tiene final.

    Que el consuelo profundo que calma el dolor y la ansiedad humana en tiempos de calamidad, la presencia viva de Dios y Su compasión misericordiosa los llene a ustedes los que quedan vivos de perdón hacia tales maleantes que causaron tal acto pavoroso. Y que también el Espíritu de Poder de Valentía de los guerreros de Dios, les de fuerza a ustedes los vivos hoy para que sigan peleando con la frente en alto la buena batalla de la FE en “ésta generación perversa.”

    Mantengan la esperanza viva! Exequiel se nos ha adelantado. Por ahora, no puede regresar a nosotros pero pronto nosotros iremos a él.

    Con el profundo amor de Jesucristo, en oración y abrazado a ustedes en éste tiempo de dolor,
    Su hermano y servidor desde San Diego, California en Estados Unidos…

    Arturo G Gándara
    Un discípulo de Jesucristo
    Misionero Equipo Guatemala Septiembre 1994

  9. Lamento mucho la manera en que nuestro hermano fue asesinado, siento un profundo dolor.
    Para su esposa e hijos les enviamos nuestras más sentidas condolencias, y los acompañamos en su dolor. Estamos a sus ordenes en nuestro ministerio latino en Orange, County, California, E.U.

    Apocalipsis 14:13 (VPEE)
    13 Entonces oí una voz del cielo, que me decía: “Escribe esto: ‘Dichosos de aquí en adelante los que mueren unidos al Señor.’ ” “Sí—dice el Espíritu—, ellos descansarán de sus trabajos, pues sus obras los acompañan.”

    Con mucho cariño, LUIS Y TERE PRIEGO

  10. To Mirza and the children:

    My condolences to you and your family. My family will be praying for you during this difficult time that you are experencing. Please know that we are there for you in spirit.

    Tu hermana en Cristo,

  11. Bill:

    We cry in pain for our fallen brother and only God can solve our pain and show hope for our families as we walk with the Lord to be eventually where Exequiel rests now. The Kingdom makes the world a smaller place where suffering like this seems next door.

    You are in our hearts and prayers!

    John & Cynthia Mahagan
    Orlando, Florida

  12. Lo siento profundamente las noticias dolorosas. Palabras no pueden explicar la agonia emocional, que uds. haben perdido un esposo y un papa. Y para la iglesia, un amigo y hermano amado. No es justa la vida aqui sobre la tierra. Pero, come dice tales escrituras como Salmo 73, ultimamente se hace justicia. Hay un Dios en los cieles. Y soy convencido que, en paraiso, les gustaran una reunion que no de puede describir. Nuestra confianza es en Dios.

    Usare mi website para informar y pedir oraciones.

    Con amor de tu hermano quien quiere escribir su lengua.

    El tuyo en Jesucristo,
    Douglas Jacoby

  13. Para la Familia Salguero:

    Mi esposa, Liz y yo estamos muy dolidos y hemos compartido con la Iglesia en Los Angeles, nuestro ministerio Las Americas.

    Hace poco los vimos en el aereopuerto, cuando vinieron a visitar a Widmar. Queremos decirles que estamos muy dolidos por lo que paso y al mismo tiempo estamo orando constantemente por toda la familia y por la Iglesia, para que el amor de Dios pueda darles el alivio de tan terible dolor.

    Por favor diles que los amamos mucho…

    2a Cor. 1:3-4


  14. My Dear Brothers and Sister in the Guatemala Church. My name is Will Ashley and I am your brother and an evangelist in the LA Church of Christ. I am deeply moved by your loss and I and my congregation will be praying for you and especially for Mirza and her family. Just this morning my wife received news that her aunt passed away and a couple of days before one of our brothers received word that his cousin was shot in the back of the head. So we, who are mourning will mourn with those who mourn. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to pray for you.

    Love, Your Brother Will Ashley

  15. Exequiel’s Family,
    Just want you to know that you are in our prayers and hearts out here in Dallas, TX

  16. Salguero family and Brothers and Sisters in Guatemara

    I am deeply sorry for what have happened on our brother Exequiel. As I heard he and brothers and sisters there have such a matured faith to reaching out the lost and helping the poor, I am deeply encouraged though.
    I would pray for the family and the Chruch there.
    I love you from across the pacific ocean.

    From Japan

  17. Deseo de todo corazòn que Dios consuele a sus seres queridos, su esposa e hijos y que los llene de fortaleza en su corazòn para hallar en èl la paz y consuelo que tanto necesitan en este momento tan difìcil. Siento profundamente el deceso de Exequiel Salguero pero un dìa Dios le darà la vida eterna, corona merecida por su fidelidad y amor a Dios y su ejemplo de vida como autèntico discìpulo.

  18. My heart breaks for the pain you must be feeling. I pray that God will guard your hearts and minds through this tragic time, and that He will bring a miracle to you and His church through this event.

    Your brother,

    John Mannel
    Elder, Los Angeles Church of Christ

  19. Even through the bad times you have can always depend on God. Do not worry, God’s plan is perfect. I hope you and your family are well. I will pray for you and your family.


    Caitlin Hicks
    12 years old

  20. Our family here in North Carolina is praying for you and your family. Our hearts go out to you at this very tragic time. You and all the brothers and sisters are so precious to us and hold a very special place in our hearts.

    with much love,

    Your sister in Christ,

  21. Mi querida hermana Mirza mi corazon duele profundo por tu perdida, aunque uno a veces no entiende esta vida.. enfocate en que tu querido esposo y nuestro hermando en Cristo hoy esta sentado a lado del Rey Todopoderoso. Lo siento muchisimo por esta gran tragedia, pero enfocate mucho en la iglesia y las hermanas que te quieren ayudar. Refugiate en la oracion y en tus escrituras que es lo unico que te dara fuerza en esta vida. Recuerda hablar mucho con tus hijas de que gran hombre tu esposo fue y siempre celebrar su vida. Pensado en Uds. siempre!! Tu hermana en Cristo de Bakersfield, CA.
    Yesenia M

  22. Oh brothers and sisters! I am so sorry. Even if words could soothe the pain, I don’t have the right ones to say. If someone could please hug Mirza from me, and I will pray for God’s arms to hold her close in this heartache.

    Nancy Winfrey
    Triangle church, NC

  23. To Mirza, her family, and the Guatemala Church. We are praying for you & know that God Himself will comfort you, in a way much greater than we ever could. I wish I had known my brother, Exequiel, but I see from his picture that he was a joyful and sincere man. I’m certain I will meet him one day in heaven, but for now I will strive to have a simple faith & to live daily for Jesus, so that I can be with you all, the Kingdom of God, one day.
    I am so very very sorry for your loss, and will spread the word to the Orlando Church so all our prayer warriors will pray for you all, especially Mirza and the children. Please know that my heart is with you and that I deeply respect and admire you for how you are trusting God even in this painful, painful situation.

    Your sister,
    Marie Fessler
    Orlando church, Florida

  24. Dear Mirza,
    I will pray for you in this heart-breaking time. May God’s love be shown to you and your children. I am a husband of 2 kids here in Los Angeles and I know Bill & his family. I have visited Guatemala & I love your church family. I’ll pray that your church really embraces you and your children & that God is somehow glorified through all of this. Please stay strong in Christ.
    Lance & Amy Tracy

  25. Querida Familia Exequiel, while I have not met you my heart goes out to you. What a shock and unexpected event in your lives. I know God will not abandon you, as throughout His word He shows us over and over how much he loves widows. I know your husband is happy in heaven with God, I pray that will comfort you. I pray the church comforts you and that most of all your love for God comforts you. Please know their are those around the world praying for you, Mary Allison, working with HOPEww in Kabul, Afghanistan

  26. Dear Salguero Family,
    I will keep you in my prayers, I am sorry to hear this. I pray that God will give you strength. Always remember the good that he did and keep in mind one day you will see each other again.

  27. Dear Mirza and children,
    “He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.” Psalm 91:4
    May the God of all comfort hold you closely and lead you, as we all mourn alongside with you. “For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.” Psalm 48:14. You will be on my heart and in my prayers.

    Love your sister in Christ,
    Dawn Richardson
    Hampton Roads Church, VA

  28. Me uno a su dolor, en verdad me entristece lo que sucedió. Dios nos promete un cielo y una tierra nueva donde no habrá dolor…mantengan la fe y los ojos puestos en el cielo en estos momentos difíciles. Estaré orando por la iglesia de Guatemala que amo tanto y sobre todo por la Flia. Salguero.

    Carolina Beras
    Iglesia de Cristo en Santo Domingo (Rep. Dominicana)

  29. Mirza & family,

    On behalf of the Middle Georgia Christian Church (Macon, GA USA) I want to tell you we are grieved to hear this news and will be praying for you and your children during this time to remain ‘strong in the Lord and in his mighty power’. We mourn with you now, but also rejoice in the knowledge that our brother is in a much better place waiting for his family. For the time will come when… Rev 21:4 “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

    Scott Chase
    MGCC – Macon, GA

  30. Mirza y familia; lamento mucho la perdidda de su esposo. Por favor tenga fe en Dios y trate de mantenerse fuerte. Sepa que Dios y muchos discipulos alrededor del Mundo estamos sintiendo su dolor. Cuando uno sufre todos sufrimos. Se nos fue un hermano pero pronto nos reuniremos con el en el cielo. Un fuerte abrazo!

    Carlos La Costa y familia
    Tampa Bay Church of Christ

  31. My deepest condolences to the Salguero family. I am so sorry for your loss. May God give you comfort in this time of great need.

    I will diligently pray for you and your congregation.

    Jason Reichert

    Greater Atlanta Church of Christ

  32. Querida Mirza:

    Queremos que sepas que te acompañamos en tu dolor. Duele mucho perder a un ser querido pero, como discípulos en Cristo, nos alivia saber que Exequiel está ahora en un lugar mejor junto a nuestro padre celestial.

    Recibe un fuerte abrazo y las oraciones de la Iglesia de Cuba.

  33. Familia Salguero,

    Sentimos mucho la pérdida de un hermano en Cristo, alguien que ha guiado una familia en los caminos del Señor. Los hermanos de Cuba lamentamos que haya sucedido tal hecho.

    Estaremos orando por ustedes para que reciban fortaleza en el sufrimiento y consuelo por medio de la esperanza de vida eterna que tenemos en nuestro Señor Jesucristo.

    Un fuerte abrazo

    Maikel González

    Iglesia de Cristo en La Habana, Cuba

  34. Nuestros más sinceros pésames por la perdida de este hermano, padre, esposo y amigo de lucha en la fe. Vamos estar orando por su familia y por la iglesia.
    Que Dios esté con ustedes.

  35. Hermana Mirza e hijitas

    Nuestra iglesia en Cali orara para que nuestro Padre consuele el corazon tu corazon en este doloroso momento,
    Les acompañamos en la distancia con todo nuestro corazon

    Con afector fraternal
    Iglesia de Cristo en Cali
    Fabio Miguel Castellanos

  36. Que Dios bendiga y de fortaleza a la familia de Exequiel Salguero, recordemos que el Profeta Daniel nos dejó por hecho, que aquellos que guiaron a muchos por el camino del bien, brillarán como las estrellas. Estoy seguro que un hombre como Exequiel, y sus obras, brillan ahora mas que nunca.
    Reciban las condolencias de la Iglesia de Cristo en México, región Neza.
    Estaremos orando por toda la iglesia de Guatemala, y por la familia Salguero.

  37. Mirza Family,

    Our hearts break for you over your untimely loss. Please remember that it’s okay to grieve, and that God identifies with your pain and desires to comfort you.

    We love you,

    Curtis & Kim Reed
    TurningPoint, Los Angeles

  38. Querida Familia Salguero, Mirza e Hijas
    Les enviamos nuestros mas sinceras condolencias por la dolorosa perdida de nuestro hermano Exequie, rogamos a Dios que consuele sus corazones y los llene de fortaleza, en realidad faltan palabras, pero queremos decirles que de todo corazon estamos con ustedes y estaremos orando porque nuestro gran Dios y Padre los abraze en este momento.
    Con todo nuestro cariño y amor fraterno
    Familia Rocha, Orlando,Alba, Isabella Y Franco

  39. My sisters and brothers, I am inspired by your faith and strength! We are appaulled at the lack of care the government there is taking to deaths and killings! We will pray for your further strengthm peace and if there is anything we can further do, PLEASE let us know!

    In Christ


  40. We are as well saddened by this news. On our recent trip (FriendsofGuatemala and Triangle Church working on Hope School for Kids) I saw much joy in suffering on peoples faces. I pray that something good will come from this tragedy. Our prayers are with you.

  41. Mirza,

    Lo siento mucho…le mando un gran abrazo con todo corazón porque palabras no pueden consolar su gran dolor. Hay que convivir con nuestro señor porque su querido esposo, padre, y nuestro hermano esta celebrando en el cielo. Le mando paz durante este tiempo tan difícil y que el señor les de la fuerza y los console para seguir adelante.

    Proverbios 21:15
    Cuando la justicia se halla echo vengara felicidad al quien es recto, pero terror a los malvados.

    Su hermano y hermana en Bakersfield, California,

    Timoteo y Maria McDonald.

  42. It was such a shocking thing to hear! We at the Mumbai Church in India are deeply saddened by this incident. We are just praying that our living God Almighty gives your family enough strength to endure through these painful times. Dont ever lose hope. He has a plan for you!

  43. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. May God give you the peace that trancends all understanding.



  44. Prayers are with you and the church. May God comfort your hearts for it is he who can do that more then we can, but our prayes are with you from Boston.

  45. Querida Mirza y familia

    Hace 28 anos mi padre fue asesinado en Nicaragua, fusilado sin razon cuando yo tenia 11 anos. Mis oraciones estan con tu familia y la Iglesia de Guatemala. Yo se que no hay palabras que quiten el dolor, pero por favor aferrate a la esperanza que Dios le permitio a tu esposo a reconciliarse con el y que tus ninos tienen la esperanza de crecer en el amor de el reino y con la oportunidad de ser salvos para reunirse con su padre algun dia. Exequiel gano la carrera, lo logro. Lucha por la salvacion de tus ninos y asi le daras honor a tu esposo y gloria a Dios.

    Con amor

    Ena Pena
    Iglesia de Cristo del Sur de la Florida
    Ministerio Latino Ft. Lauderdale

  46. Mizra, Hijos y familia Zalguero:

    Esta mañana recibimos la tristes noticias de lo ocurrido en Guatemala, y a nombre de la Iglesia en Guadalajara y de todas las Iglesias en el Occidente de México, queremos espresarles nuestro más sincero pesame por lo ocurrido con Ezequiel, oramos por que nuestro Dios que nos ama profundmente, conforte sus corazones y les de esa paz que proviene de su infinito amor, nosotros estarmos orando mucho por ustedes y por su familia, que Dios los consuele y los bendiga mucho, con todo nuestro amor.

    Francisco y Angelica Botello Iglesia de Cristo de Guadalajara y todo el Occte de México.

    Hab 3:17-19

  47. To the family of Exequiel-

    We have just heard of your loss through the leaders of our Spanish ministry here in Denver. How very sad for all of you! If one of us were to pass so very tragically may the words used to describe Exequiel’s life describe each of ours. With our prayers at this difficult time of loss,
    Rob and Dawn Ferry
    Evangelist and Women’s Ministry Leader
    Denver Church of Christ

  48. I can’t imagine the roller coaster of emotions your family is feeling at this time. Our family will definitely keep you in our prayers. Our God is an AWESOME God who will continue to surround you with prayer and overflowing love from your brothers and sisters around the world.
    Much Love!!!

  49. Mi Querida Hermana Mirza,

    Mi corazon siente tu dolor profundamente. Dios, nuestro Padre amoroso y “FIEL” tiene sus brazos abiertos para consolarte cada minuto de tu dia. Tan solo cierra tus ojos y descanza en El. El es nuestro refugio y fortaleza. Nada en este mundo puede darnos paz interior y consuelo en nuestras penas. Solo nuestro Dios y Padre celestial.

    Hermana mia, que cada momento de tu dia encuentres en EL todo cuanto necesites. Que recuerdes que en este mundo el que reina es otro y nuestra mision como escogidos de Dios, es el traer su luz para tratar de iliminar los corazones de aquellos no le conocen. TU, llénate de fortaleza y valentía mirando hacía adelante, teniendo en mente que ahora, no solo tu meta es el de ver a nuestro Señor Jesuscristo un dia en el cielo, si no tambien el de reunirte con Ezequiel, quien va estar esperando tu llegada. Tu y tus hermosos hijos estan hoy más que nunca, bajo el brazo poderoso y amoroso de nuestro Dios, quien velara por ti todos los dias de tu vida. Nunca pierdas la FE y la ESPERANZA!!

    Te amo, mi hermana en Cristo. Eres digna de admiración. Todos estamos contigo y tus hijos en espiritu, acompañandote en este momento de dolor.

    Maria Tello-Thomas y familia.
    The Memphis Church/South FL Church of Christ

  50. I am truly saddened by your loss. We will pray for your family in South Africa. May God be with you in your time of grief and may he give His Spirit in increasing measure over this time to guard your hearts.

    In Him

  51. To Exquiel’s Family,

    We are heartbroken to hear of the senseless killing of your husband and father. Although he now has the ultimate victory that we all anticipate someday, we can only imagine the pain and anguish that you must be feeling. Our fervent prayers for comfort go out to God and to you in this difficult time.

    With much love,
    Mike and Kim Upton
    Members of the Los Angeles Church

  52. Words seem inadequate to express feelings at this time…. I pray that the Spirit himself intercedes for you with sighs and groans that words cannot express…

    You are in our hearts and prayers….

  53. my deep condolence goes out to the salguero family,we are with you guys our in our prayers.
    may God give you all strenght and comfort to overcome this horrible moment,our father ,husband,uncle may not be there anymore but one good news that God will always be there.
    stay strong and firm trust in God, we are together through this moment.

  54. Me uno al torrente de apoyo y de oraciones que se ha vertido amorosamente de todas partes del mundo. Mirza y familia, que Dios les de consuelo y paz y fortaleza para seguir adelante, sabiendo que la muerte es solamente una puerta hacia algo mucho mejor. Reciban nuestro cariño y ánimo,
    Familia De Anda
    Orange County, CA

  55. My sisters and brothers. I am so sad to hear about the loss and will be praying for our hearts as we grieve and continue to trust God with our whole lives. I love you all very much. Please let me know if you need anything.

    Amber Coye

    Turning Point Church (formerly the Arts Media Sport Ministry, AMS)
    Burbank, CA

  56. To the family of Exquiel,

    I am very sorry to hear of Exquiel’s untimely death. I pray that the good memories of what his life stood for will help you stay strong in the Lord. Losing a loved on at a young age is very difficult, but knowing that they were in the Lord and are now in His hands will, with time, provide a lot of comfort as you adjust to life without them. May God meet the deepest needs of your hearts at this difficult time.


  57. Arturo Gandara is continuing to give words of wisdom and teach the Word of God. I feel sad his ex-wife never mentions all the wonderful work he does and only says all of the work he did was hers. The proof is shown when Arturo continues to preach the Word of God and Jolie remarried and then divorced and now is living with a married man in Michigan.


  59. Just wanted to let you know that there are brothers and sisters around the world still praying that God will help you remember the victories and the joy God allowed your husband and father to show you during his time with you. My prayers will also be one asking God to give you the courage and the strength to continue throughout your life to fight the good fight as Exequiel did. Fight against evil to get the same crown he has been given.

    My love goes out to you,

    Howard Elwell
    Philadelphia church of Christ

  60. First of all, condolences to the Salguero family. May the Spirit continue to comfort you in your mourning. As for D’Ann Van Lente’s comment, it is not your place (nor is this the place), especially if you’re a “Christian,” to slander people on the internet! Would Jesus do that??? Unfortunately, some things NEVER change…

  61. Does anyone have contact info for Arturo Gandara? I have been looking for him for quite a while. I went to school with in during the 80’s and have lost touch.

    Thank you.

  62. Please have Arturo Gandara contact me at my email address…

  63. Bill,

    Please extend my deepest condolences to Mirza and the children. Having lost my kid brother (just 16) to suicide years ago, I can fully empathize with such a tragic loss. Who of us can understand the will of God in such things? I can only comfort you with the verses that have comforted me through the years. First, not a sparrow falls to the ground apart from God’s will (Matthew 10:29). Second, God does not willingly bring affliction or grief to anyone (Lamentations 3:33). Third, a bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out (Matthew 12:20). So everything that happens, including what even happened to Job, is for a purpose (though we can not see it) and only if we are able to stand up under it. Let Mirza know that God allowing this to happen shows how much faith the Lord sees in her and that, one day (prayerfully sooner than later), she will see the plan in it all. Jesus’ disciples were not able to see anything good in His crucifiction until they saw Him resurrected. And let her know that I will pray for her and ask others to as well.

    May God bless and keep her and her children,


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